Child Care


In support of families attending worship, our nursery is a safe nurturing environment where our youngest children (age 4 and under) can play and learn.  While all children, even the youngest, are welcome to attend our services, the nursery is available to provide an option for parents who prefer not to have their youngest ones sit through an entire service.

Children's Formation Pre-K to 5th Grade (Sunday School)

We will have an exciting new curriculum for the children this Fall.

Safeguarding God’s Children

Keeping our children safe is of the utmost importance to St. Matthias and the Episcopal Church. Anyone involved in ministry with children or youth, as well as all clergy and wardens, is required to go through the Episcopal Church’s “Safeguarding God’s Children” training course. This must be renewed every four years. (If you’d like to learn more about this, please contact Rev. Laura.)

Information on Safeguarding God’s Children and Policies for Ministry with Children and Youth:


Additional Resources