Sunday Ministries

Each Sunday, a variety of lay leaders serve God and the community through their participation as volunteer (lay) teachers, ushers, chalice bearers, choir members, flower guild, and various other functions that serve the life and functioning of the church. As God has given every believer a gift for ministry, we seek at St. Matthias to have each member serve in one or more Sunday Ministry roles. Below is a list of these ministries along with a basic description. To learn more about involvement, we encourage you to ask about the Discovering St. Matthias newcomers course.

Scheduling for Sunday Ministries

Sunday Ministries are scheduled two or more months at a time. Currently, Terry Newton coordinates scheduling. 
Click here for the current Sunday Ministry Schedule
If serving, thank you for your ministry. If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please find a substitute and let our Administrator, Micky, know who will serve by Wednesday prior to the Sunday you are scheduled.

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar (e.g., hangings and linens, chalice, books used in leading the service) for our Sunday and special liturgies.  At St. Matthias, both women and men actively serve in this vital behind-the-scenes ministry.


Acolytes assist the priest during the worship service. There are two distinct responsibilities when serving as an acolyte: the crucifer and the server. The crucifer carries the cross to lead the processional and recessional; also, the crucifer leads the way for the reading of the Gospel. The server carries the Gospel book in the processional and recessional; then, the server carries the Gospel book and holds it while the minister reads the Gospel lesson. The server also assists the priest in preparing and cleaning up the altar during the Liturgy of the Table (Holy Eucharist/Communion).    

Chalice Bearers

This ministry is for those adults who are called to vest and literally serve at the altar rail to administer the wine from the chalice during communion.  Chalice bearers normally process along with the priest and acolytes, sitting near the altar ready to respond to any special needs during worship.

Choir and Music Ministry

The music director works with the Rector to choose all the music (primarily hymns from the Hymnal) used during Sunday and special worship services, instructs and supports the organist, and directs the church choir.  The congregation is encouraged to sing during many parts of the service; the choir routinely sings during the offertory and communion.  There is always room for more singers, young and old, regardless of range.


After the Sunday service, quiet service is provided by counters, working in teams of two, to count and record all collected monies for bank deposit.

Flower Guild

For each Sunday (except during Lent,) a member of the Flower Guild, having coordinated with the Administrator as to special giver desires and needs, provides and arranges flowers or other suitable arrangements in front of the altar.  For certain special services, e.g., Christmas and Easter, larger arrangements of appropriate flowers or plants are displayed to complement the season.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

A small group of trained and licensed (by the Bishop) Lay Eucharistic Ministers take the communion elements (as an extension of the Eucharistic service) to members of the parish family who are unable to attend church services, e.g., hospitalized, prolonged illness at home.

Lectors (Lay Readers)

Members of the parish who would like to read the scriptures during Sunday worship and on other occasions are given special training.  Each week, one of the Lectors also serves as an Intercessor, helping lead the Prayers of the People during the service.


In a very important "first impression" role, an Usher welcomes each family as they enter the church, providing them a service bulletin and ensuring they are given any help in finding a seat.  During the service, the Usher will: count all participants, handle the collection plates (and basket of Tri-Lakes Cares Food Bank items,) and ensure lighting and temperatures are kept at appropriate levels.


Greeters are volunteers who set the atmosphere and prepare the way for our visitors and guests to experience the presence and wonder of God in our Christian community. Greeters notice people and welcome them during regular Sunday services and at special church events. They provide a friendly face, help those needing help to get into the church, provide directions to classes and refreshments, and an introduction to other members of the parish.


Adults who have been regular members of St. Matthias for at least 6 months, and who enjoy working with children. Taking the Safe Guarding God’s Children course is required.