
St. Matthias offers various opportunities to serve the local community by investing our time, talents, and resources to enhance the Kingdom of God in the Tri-Lakes region. One way we live out our faith in Christ is through acts of service. "You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. That's how prayer works." the old saying goes. Here is a list of the various ways you can get involved to put hands and feet to your faith through St. Matthias Episcopal Church.

Tri-Lakes Cares:   We collect food at the church for the Tri-Lakes Cares Food Bank.  At Christmas time, we donate gifts for the children of Tri-Lakes Cares’ clients, and at the beginning of the school year we donate school supplies and backpacks for these children.   

Empty Bowl Event:  This is a large yearly event to raise money for Tri-Lakes Cares.  It is put on at the local high school, with hand-made bowls made by local potters.  Soups, breads, and beverages are donated by local businesses and local churches provide the desserts.  Every year, St. Matthias volunteers donate desserts. 

Daughters of the King:  Annually, Daughters of the King from Sr Matthias collect gifts and items for babies and foster children in El Paso County.

If you would like to be a part of the Outreach Committee, please contact Kathy Strom, Chair at stmatthias@comcast.net.